Enfin, juste 3 pour commencer, issus de la série German Mercenaries de Copplestone. Les observateurs avertis auront remarqué qu'il manque la quatrième figurine du set. Celle-ci prend actuellement un bain prolongé dans le Glanzer. C'est ce qui arrive quand on confond bombe de vernis et bombe de sous-couche...
Well, 3 of them, for a beginning, from Copplestone's German Mercenaries set. Savvy readers will note that the 4th miniature of the set is missing. It's taking an extended bath in Glanzer now. That's what happens when you use a primer can instead of your varnish can...
1982 Lebanon in 28mm
I’ve returned to my Lebanon Civil War project and have been adding some
new terrain.
I started on some buildings just using foamcore
Balconies which ...
Il y a 2 jours