Suite et fin de la série "Rugged Sons of the Empire" de chez Pulp Figures. Vous remarquerez peut-être l'aspect légèrement poussiéreux des figurines, je pense que cela est dû à une application un peu trop généreuse de mon nouveau vernis mat Mr Super Clear Flat, très efficace au demeurant. En prime un gros plan de ma figurine préférée.
End of Pulp Figures " Rugged Sons of the Empire" serie. You'll perhaps note the dusty looking of these miniautres, I think it's because of my new matt varnish, Mr Super Clear Flat, which I applied a bit too generously... Very effective nonetheless.
I add as a bonus a close-up of my prefered one.
Marching in to 2025.
Hello and welcome to Inso's World again.
It's been a couple of months but during that time, a lot has happened so
I'll get straight to it.
Life-wise, I...
Il y a 2 jours